Why I am blogging......

I started this blog to up-date others on the day-to-day events of our family. As the children grew older, and I grew wiser, I realized I wanted to change my direction, and the children wanted to be ommitted from the blog completely. I hope to still manage to include them from time to time but perhaps just through pictures. I am searching for my niche, and way to help lighten the load of others and perhaps lead others to my savior, Jesus Christ. I am focusing on "What really matters" and hopefully, I can help others in some small productive way. While I am changing gears, I will still be throwing in random thoughts, recipes and etc. I am glad you stopped by and bear with me, as I begin to grow and span my wings and fly in a new direction!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One thousand Gifts........

I can't begin to tell you how this book (currently on page 53) has affected me.  Maybe I would describe it as eye-opening....I have choosen to start listing my "gifts"-living a life of thanksgiving and sharing with others my journey.  I recommend this book to you and please let me know your thoughts.
My gift list..... 

1.  The sound of family
2.  Open doors
3. Sweet tea
4.  The way flowers make me smile
5.  Lazy days

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