Why I am blogging......

I started this blog to up-date others on the day-to-day events of our family. As the children grew older, and I grew wiser, I realized I wanted to change my direction, and the children wanted to be ommitted from the blog completely. I hope to still manage to include them from time to time but perhaps just through pictures. I am searching for my niche, and way to help lighten the load of others and perhaps lead others to my savior, Jesus Christ. I am focusing on "What really matters" and hopefully, I can help others in some small productive way. While I am changing gears, I will still be throwing in random thoughts, recipes and etc. I am glad you stopped by and bear with me, as I begin to grow and span my wings and fly in a new direction!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I need SUN! Hot baking SUN!!!!!! Is it just me or has it been cold for------ever? I am longing for a trip to the lake to bake in the hot sun!!! Just give me my float pull in one of our favorite spots, turn the radio up, and bake!! AHHHHHHH Then we usually grill, yes our boat has a grill, it is wonderful, and after Chef Poo whips up a meal, I will proceed back to my float, bake more, flip over, and you guessed it bake more. I can't hardly wait! By I guess I will-since it is at least 5 to 6 months away. But a girl can dream!!!

I guess I will settle for artificial sun! A girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do!!!!

It is just me and Nick today!!!Everyone else has gone riding. The troops will come home hungry, so I guess I had better get to cooking. Love to all!!!


Danielle said...

I'm with you on the hot sun. Alesha dropped by for a brief visit today, and we decided we needed to fly somewhere warm with a beach. You are more than welcome to join us!

Sheila said...

Happy New Year Haley Family! Deb I agree I am ready for the sun. I hope you are enjoying your break with your sweet family, it sounds like you all are having fun.
Have a blessed day.