Why I am blogging......

I started this blog to up-date others on the day-to-day events of our family. As the children grew older, and I grew wiser, I realized I wanted to change my direction, and the children wanted to be ommitted from the blog completely. I hope to still manage to include them from time to time but perhaps just through pictures. I am searching for my niche, and way to help lighten the load of others and perhaps lead others to my savior, Jesus Christ. I am focusing on "What really matters" and hopefully, I can help others in some small productive way. While I am changing gears, I will still be throwing in random thoughts, recipes and etc. I am glad you stopped by and bear with me, as I begin to grow and span my wings and fly in a new direction!

Monday, August 15, 2011


All of my life I can remember hearing and singing a hymn....Count your blessings...name them one by one..count your blessings see what God hath done.... but, until I actually began writing them down, and thought about my blessings, or gifts, I  really had no ideal how blessed I really am.  Because of the Great I AM....i am:)The picture I chose for this post is just one of my gifts.  I sit here often and admire God's work and talk with Him and offer my lame thank yous.  I don't mean half-hearted  thank yous, but I don't feel like I can ever adequately  thank HIM enough for HIS son, HIS awesomeness, HIS grace.  But I do in my own way offer thanksgiving to HIM and HE knows my heart and knows me better than I do and get this, HE still loves me.  What a blessing!  It is not what I can do or what I have done, it is ALL HIM and his precious grace.  Thank God HIS grace reaches me.  Continuing counting my gifts and offering eucharisteo...41.  my creaky porch swing 42.  the hummingbirds that visit our hibuscus 43.  the hum of a fan 44.  burnt hot dogs 45.  helping hands in the kitchen
Love and peace all :)

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