Why I am blogging......

I started this blog to up-date others on the day-to-day events of our family. As the children grew older, and I grew wiser, I realized I wanted to change my direction, and the children wanted to be ommitted from the blog completely. I hope to still manage to include them from time to time but perhaps just through pictures. I am searching for my niche, and way to help lighten the load of others and perhaps lead others to my savior, Jesus Christ. I am focusing on "What really matters" and hopefully, I can help others in some small productive way. While I am changing gears, I will still be throwing in random thoughts, recipes and etc. I am glad you stopped by and bear with me, as I begin to grow and span my wings and fly in a new direction!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yard rolling,slinging tears and feeling good about it...

Mark and I returned back to work today. Aah... back in the real world. Last night on our way back home from the lake we decided to not be sad that it was over; just excited and proud we had time away. Kallie left tonight for the beach and I did the usual, I got alittle misty eyed, and of course Kyle picked up on it and said, "Don't worry Mom, you still have me." He can ALWAYS pick me up. Mark and I know we have not done anything to deserve such wonderful blessings as Kallie and Kyle but we are so happy to have them in our lives.

On to rolling yards........yes it is that time of the year, to roll and get rolled. The natives are restless being that it is fall break and all. I can usually tell when cars begin circling the block and the dogs start barking it is on like donkey kong!! HE he!! I can remember doing the same thing way back when. I am thankful I can recall those days and smile and laugh with the kids now and enjoy it with them.

Please add Kallie and the Pearsall family to your prayer list as they are traveling. I hope everyone had a great day. Hug your kids and tell them you are proud of them and that you love them. These are the best days of my life.:)

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